Legal Summary

Rhode Island Gun Laws

  Open Carry: Open carry allowed only with permit
  Duty to Notify Law Enforcement: Only when asked by the officer
  State Parks: Carry in prohibited. Firearms must be unloaded and cased in vehicle.
  Restaurants Serving Alcohol: No restriction
  Firearms at Colleges: Schools individually decide the weapons policy.
  Firearms at K-12 Schools: RI permittees may have loaded handgun in vehicle only.
  Church Carry: Churches act like any other private property and may restrict
on a church by church basis
  Hotels: No legal restriction - Reference article on page 67
  Secure Storage Requirements: Firearms must be securely stored any time they are not in the owner's immediate control.
  Magazine Capacity Limitations: Magazines of a capacity of more than 10 are illegal effective June 20th, 2022. Within 180 days of that date existing magazines of 11+ capacity must be modified, surrendered, or transferred out of state.
  Suppressor Ownership: Prohibited
  Vehicle Possession Without Recognized Permit: Handguns allowed in vehicle if you possess a valid license or permit from any other state that allows you to carry a handgun in a vehicle
  Firearm Law Uniformity: Uniform throughout state
  Permit Training Requirements: Must take a class from a certified NRA instructor.
  Non-Resident Permits: Non-residents who live in or own a business in RI may apply for local officials. Other non-residents may apply from RI Attorney General
  Constitutional Carry: No
  Duty to Retreat: Duty to Retreat before using Deadly Force except when in your dwelling (11-8-08)
  Places Off Limits: Carrying of Weapon While Under the Influence of Liquor or Drugs. - It is unlawful to carry
or transport any firearm in this state when intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic
  State Contact Info: Rhode Island Attorney General
150 S Main St.
Providence, RI 02903
  Permit Issuing Authority: AG or Local Officials
  Length of Permit Validity: Four Years
  Permit Application Process: Depends on where you apply.
While Concealed Carry Inc strives to maintain legal reference information updated on this website; you as the reader and gun owner are responsible to do any and all necessary research and consult with a local attorney before making any decisions. Concealed Carry Inc is not liable for any misinformation, inaccuracies, or actions taken based on this information. We are not attorneys and this information is not legal advice. If you see any information you feel is outdated or incorrect please contact us.

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